Monday, 3 November 2008

Out of Time

My soundbite bitesize summary of today's lesson:

"Crown him the Lord of years, the Potentate of Time"

And it is the central theme of my latest post- Time.

I was complimented at several junctures in the same 15 hit bout on my timing. I consider myself to be well-timed in my many and varied manouevres, mainly counter-attacks built to frustrate the potency of a fast or over-eager opponent.

I claimed the Golden Triangle Theory (posted in to be the central precept of my martial philosophy, and there are very good reasons for the third pillar being Timing.

Timing is essential to gain the hit- you cannot score if you are out of time. Even being a fraction of a second out of time will result in you losing the point. That is why, when the number of learners at the club whittles down to a manageable number, I will begin to instill a deep understanding of timing in the remaining paduwans. If powerful they are to become, understand their place in time, they must. For without an understanding, one cannot make use of their own advantage, whether it is a nanosecond or half a second whilst the foe is of balance, knowing to strike at that point is crucial. Make sure that at all times you are ready to attack (or counter-attack) and when that precious drop of time is spilt lap it up and win the point.

Today I made use of time for my own pair of victories (in my two weapons- it is essential to keep the foil fresh).
Also, my Coaching certificate came through from BAF!! I am officially a level 1 coach, and distributed a surprisingly wide knowledge of terminology compared to the rest of the fencers at the club.

Whensoever I return to NAF, I will make the younglings try to understand time. For, as the hymn pans out- the Potentate of Time will be crowned the Lord of Years, and as such, one should endeavour to always be mastering timing.


Chris said...

I also think time is important. Knowing that you are ahead in a fight, you can make use of the time, by laying back slightly and playing defensive. Also, any visit you make to the NAF would be great.

Rob said...

Why? Is it all falling apart at the seams without me?! Oh the modesty...

Chris said...

It's all going fine so far. Your modesty seems to be falling apart at the seams though