Thursday, 2 October 2008

Pastures New

It has been some time since my former entry.

This is because I have spent the last two weeks bedding in at University. In two weeks so much can occur- friendships are able to be torn down and rebuilt, only to crumble as best they might. Also, a man is able to wander into a fencing club and wander out on their A team, having proven very little about his ability. My self-confidence as a fencer is sufficient that I accepted such an offer, and welcome the challenges posed by any adverse university.

Also, having had a fortnight to myself, I have contemplated the similarities between being in your first year of university and being a hobbit in Lord of the Rings. The two coincide much more than would at first seem obvious, since I know very little about the wider goings on of the uni, and spend a good thirty percent of my time lost and/or confused. Everyone, it seems, knows a handful of facts that, when put together with other people's facts, can make up maps and timetables enough that if you are in a group of five or more, getting around becomes much easier.

So, in conclusion, there is safety in numbers, and I am mentally preparing to fight for Nottingham, Ancy (my hall of residence), and all else that I hold dear.

En guarde...


Dave said...

Glad to see you're settling in Rob and have offered your talents to the fencing club. I am sure you will add great value to them.
On your other point, which Hobbit do you relate the most to!?! Merry, Sam, Pippin or Frodo?

Rob said...

I would imagine Pippin. He struck me as the purest of heart.

I don't really believe in much, but on the same token what I believe in is more important because of it. He, too, seemed only to have a handful of really heartfelt beliefs as opposed to a multitude of less important ones.